KB Article #71947

Copilot issue when VIPA address is used - ERR TCP COPILOT S33572 accept error 113


Copilot needs to be restarted on a regular basis after error messages appeared:

ERR TCP COPILOT S33572 accept error 113

Occurs when both CFT and Copilot have the same DVIPA address


Actually, it is the way it has been designed.

It does not allow to handle IP request that may be for another application.

DVIPA main usage is to allocate one unique address to each application.

Using the same IP address for both Copilot and CFT when DVIPA is a known source of issues when the IP stack broadcast to the IP address or when port request are issue from both applications (CFT & Copilot are 2 separate applications that are not sharing the same network resources).

If both Copilot and CFT have to use the same address, move away from DVIPA?