KB Article #72636

CFTF09E local file write error 00000078


The client mets the following error message,(in RECEIVE mode with MVS Partner):
11/08/26 02:29:43  CFTF09E local file write error          00000078 <IDTU=A000204K PART=AGFSTP2 IDF=ACHLCFT2 IDT=H2601190>
11/08/26 02:29:43  CFTF30W SFM_PUT : write error on output target  <IDTU=A000204K PART=AGFSTP2 IDF=ACHLCFT2 IDT=H2601190>


Error 78 for Aix means "ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out"

We can see in "Listcat" debug:

 Transfer id.                      IDT      = H2601190
 Local transfer id.                IDTU     = A000204K
 Network transfer id.              NIDT     = 3801190
 Block number                      BLKNUM   = 1323      

   File name                      FNAME    =
    Temporary file name            WFNAME   =
    Local Select list              SELFNAME =

It shows that the file is written on a NFS file system. CFT needs a Posix compliant file system and NFS isn't. The error decribed here is a typical one for CFT on NFS. To decrease the frequence of the issue (it's impossible to avoid it completely - one of inconveniences of NFS) , the NFS should be mounted in the "hard" (not "soft") way and the option TCP has to be used (not UDP).