Implementation > Message recycling services > Deployment example > SWIFT message recycling

Deployment example: SWIFT message recycling


Axway Financial Exchange product requirements

Add-on Composer objects

Configuring SWIFTNet Portal for SWIFT message recycling


The following example illustrates how to use Axway Financial Exchange to:

Figure 1:  SWIFT message recycling

  1. During a normal message-processing sequence, Integrator processes a SWIFT message. When parsing the message to a Business-Document, Integrator detects an error in the message structure. This error triggers an Event which diverts the message to SWIFTNet Portal (via a JMS queuing application) for correction and recycling.
  2. A SWIFTNet Portal end user retrieves the faulty message from the JMS queue, and manually edits the message to correct errors.
  3. The end user forwards the edited message to an Integrator message checking Integration-Process (via the JMS queuing application).
  4. The Integrator message checking Integration-Process uses identifies the message type and then dynamically loads a corresponding map and Business-Document set in order to perform structural verification of the message. The message checking Integration-Process returns the message to SWIFTNet Portal either flagged with an error, or in a validated state.
  5. If the message is returned from the validation process with an error, the end user must again edit the message and run it through a message checking cycle.
  6. When the message is valid, a user with validation rights returns the corrected message to the normal message-processing sequence.

Axway Financial Exchange product requirements

For this example, we assume that Axway Financial Exchange is configured to exchange messages with SWIFTNet. To exchange SWIFT messages with SWIFTNet partners and recycle erroneous messages you require:

Add-on Composer objects

The FEX installation package includes an Integration-Process that enables you to check the structure of SWIFT messages that you edit in SWIFTNet Portal. The name of this add-on is:


For instructions on how to import this Integration-Process to Composer, refer to the SWIFTNet Portal documentation.

This add-on object includes:

Configuring SWIFTNet Portal for SWIFT message recycling

To operate SWIFTNet Portal you must install two middleware tools:

In order to enable Integrator and SWIFTNet Portal to communicate, you must configure both Integrator and SWIFTNet Portal to share the same JMS server queue manager.

Once configured, Integrator automatically populates the JDBC database with messages that fail the Integrator validation processes. From this database, SWIFTNet Portal users manually correct and validate messages. The SWIFTNet Portal message repository contains a complete set of SWIFT message format definitions that SWIFTNet Portal users can employ to check message structures before returning messages to Integrator for normal processing.

For details on how to use SWIFTNet Portal to create, analyze and correct SWIFT messages, refer to the SWIFTNet Portal User's Guide.

Configuring Integrator for SWIFT message recycling

Message recycling services are an extension of the basic routing and transformation services offered for SWIFT messages. For this reason, you must first create a set of normal message handling processes before adding the recycling processes.

For Integrator, this typically means creating a complete integration that enables you to receive, classify, transform and send an input message.

Once the basic integration exists, in Composer you: