Monitoring PassPort operating events: Overview

About Sentinel monitoring of PassPort

You can use Sentinel to collect information about targeted PassPort operating events. Sentinel enables you to generate graphic representations of these events (Dashboards) that you can view, analyze and respond to.

Sentinel provides you with tools that help you create pre-programmed automatic responses to specified network conditions. Using these tools, you can configure Sentinel to act immediately to handle exceptional and/or abnormal events that occur in PassPort. You can also configure Sentinel to respond to a programmed event that fails to occur.

How Sentinel monitors PassPort

PassPort processing

A Sentinel monitoring agent resides natively on PassPort. When an event occurs in PassPort (for example when a user logs on, or modifies a PassPort object) the agent generates a Tracked-Event Message that contains data about the event. The agent then sends the Tracked-Event Message to the Sentinel Server environment.

Sentinel processing

Tracked Objects

Sentinel contains two Tracked Objects dedicated to recording PassPort events:

Each of these Tracked Objects define a database table that holds values describing PassPort events.

Tracked-Event Messages originating from PassPort contain a field that indicates that either the PassPort Audit Tracked Object or the PassPort Audit Summary Tracked Object is to be associated with that message. Sentinel extracts the data from the fields of the Tracked-Event Message, and writes the data to the correct table in the Sentinel Tracking Database.

When the data has been recorded in the Tracking Database, you can then use the full array of Sentinel tools for monitoring PassPort operations.

Predefined Requests

Sentinel uses sets of executable SQL instructions known as Requests to retrieve data from tables in the Tracking Database. The PassPort package for Sentinel provides a set of predefined Requests that you can use in Sentinel to facilitate retrieval of data about PassPort events:

Predefined Request Returns information about...
PassportAuditAllPartners Partner management events
PassportAuditConfiguration All configuration events generated in PassPort
PassportAuditAllSearchTrans All events generated out of PassPort - filtered by a specific transaction
PassportAuditSecurity All security events
PassportAuditAll All events generated out of PassPort
PassportSummaryAll PassPort summary events of business interest
PassportAuditAllSubCatSearch All events generated out of PassPort - filtered by currently selected sub category
PassportAuditAMAuthAttempts PassPort Access Management (AM) session authentication attempts
PassportAuditAllCategorySearch All events generated out of PassPort - filtered by currently selected category
PassportAuditAMSessions PassPort Access Management (AM) session activity events

Sentinel Monitoring extensions

PassPort also ships with Sentinel Monitoring configurations to enable linking of sub-searches and lifecycle views of the two PassPort Tracked Objects. See Configuring Tomcat for Sentinel Monitoring for more details.

Required products

To operate PassPort and Sentinel together, you require the following Axway products:

Related topics

PassPort event monitoring: General implementation procedure