Implementation > About Axway 5 Suite services > Component services comparison

Axway product services

Axway product Supplied services
Composer Composer is a graphical user interface in which you define, test, and deploy sets of parameters for Integrator, Transfer CFT and Sentinel.
Database Axway Database is an SQL powered database that provides database services for Axway products.
Gateway Gateway is a communication gateway and secure front end that you use to: 
  • Provide transport layer services
  • Handle the packaging and transport of financial exchange messages
  • Provide security and HTTP or SMTP/POP3 formatting
  • Receive packaged inbound financial exchange messages from the network
  • Decode MIME/SMIME formats to local files
  • Handle SWIFTNet exchanges through FileAct and InterAct
  • Generate reports of transfer or message status

Interchange is a communication gateway and secure front end that you use to:

  • Establish relationships with trading partners
  • Transact business over the Internet
  • Integrate with back-end systems

Interchange enables partner exchanges via a wide range of protocols, transports, and integration methods.

Integrator Integrator is an integration tool that you use to:
  • Integrate all back-end processes with financial exchange message handling
  • Assemble output messages and disassemble incoming messages for treatment of header or data content
  • Map and transform data depending on back-end application requirements
  • Control the format that is applied to inbound messages and message headers
  • Generate logs of transactions
Messaging Messaging provides Messaging-Oriented Middleware services. It enables independent and potentially non-concurrent applications installed in a distributed system to communicate with each other via managed message queues.

PassPort provides three distinct sets of services for the Axway 5 Suite:

  • Identity and access management for Axway products
  • Partner management for message exchanges
  • Certificate and key management for message exchanges
Secure Relay Secure Relay provides secure front-end services for use in DMZs. Secure Relay is compatible with any Axway B2Bi supported protocol that operates on a TCP/IP network.
Sentinel Sentinel is an end-to-end business, system and technical event monitoring tool. Sentinel provides the following services:
  • Event tracking
  • Alerts:
    • Combined alerts on correlation between several events
    • Alerts on non-occurrence of programmed events
  • Configurable graphic displays of arrays of data
Sentinel Event Router The Event Router collects Sentinel tracked event messages from one or more monitored applications, and then routes them to one or more target Sentinel acquisition servers or to WebSphere MQ applications.
Sentinel Monitoring Sentinel Monitoring is an end-user, web-based GUI for monitoring and managing collected date associated with graphic elements. The monitored data is captured from multiple sources in various formats and stored in the Sentinel data repository, with which Sentinel Monitoring communicates.
SWIFTNet Portal SWIFTNet Portal is a web application that provides a means of manually creating, validating, correcting and recycling SWIFT messages that are rejected due to processing failures in Integrator.
Transfer CFT

Transfer CFT is a tool for initiating and controlling file transfers. These transfers can be either external exchanges with business partners, or internal exchanges over a private network.

Transfer CFT performs simultaneous transfers between central sites as well as simple file transfers between work stations. These transfers occur over standard public networks using a variety of protocols.

Web Service Front-End The Web Service Front End is a server where the WSDL files reside for the web services you want to expose. Integrator communicates with the Front-End to execute the service operations that are defined in the WSDL files.