Implementation > About Axway 5 Suite services > About Axway 5 Suite services

About Axway 5 Suite services

Axway 5 Suite services and products

Axway 5 Suite services are supplied by Axway product applications. To make a set of services available on your network, you deploy one or more Axway products. In many cases, two or more Axway product applications operate together to provide an array of services.

For example, to provide a full range of message format transformations and transport protocols, you could deploy Axway Integrator and Axway Gateway. To add end-to-end monitoring to the set of services, you could additionally deploy Axway Sentinel.

The deployment of a set of services involves distinct phases:

Product services

Each Axway product provides a specific set of services to the Axway 5 Suite.

View table of product services

Starting products

To correctly share services across the Axway 5 Suite, you must start the products in a specific order.

View product start order

Stopping products

To shut down your system without the risk of data loss or security breaches, you must stop the products in a specific order.

View product stop order

Configuring product interoperability

This guide provides procedures for sharing services between the following Axway products:

* indicates third-party software