Implementation > About Axway 5 Suite services > Component stop order

Axway 5 Suite product stop order

Service type Stop order Product Description Go to stop procedure
Web Services provision 1 Web Service Front-End For Web Services defined on the Web Service Front-End, Integrator may execute service operations to support those definitions. In this case, stop the Front-End before you stop the Integrator Server.
Integration 2 Integrator __
Transfer 3 Transfer CFT The stop order of these products has no effect on the platform operations.
4 Gateway
5 Messaging
Monitoring 6 Sentinel Monitoring __
7 Sentinel EventRouter Stop the Sentinel Event Router only after you stop any product that emits tracked event messages to Sentinel.
8 Sentinel Stop Sentinel only after you stop any product that emits tracked event messages to Sentinel.
Configuration and configuration deployment 9 Composer Broadcast Agents __
10 Composer __
Platform access and transfer security 11 Secure Relay Router Agent __
12 PassPort __
Database 13 Axway Database

Stop the database only after you stop any product that uses the database.

View database dependencies