Creating an Integration-Process for setting values to JMS message attributes


After you create the Integration-Process


Phase 1: Create an Integration-Process

  1. Open the Composer Integration workbench, then select the Integration tab and Mapping Manager sub-tab.
  2. Composer displays the Integration-Process properties window.
  3. In the General tab of the Integration Process properties window, in the Name field, enter a name for this Integration-Process. For example: ip_set_jms_attrib
  4. In the Graph tab, add a Receive Activity to the worksheet.
  5. In the Graph tab, add a Send Activity to the worksheet.

Save this object. You will later be adding a Sequential Activity.

Phase 2: Create a Map-Broker and associated Business-Documents

The attribute values you set via the Map-Broker are recorded to Integrator run-time memory and applied during JMS message transport. These attributes do not appear in either the output or input Business-Document.

In this example you use instances of the same Business-Document for Map-Broker input and output.

Create the Business-Documents

  1. Open Composer and in the Integration Manager tab of the Integration Services workbench select New > Integration > Business-Document from the File menu.
  2. Composer displays the Business-Document properties window.
  3. In the General tab: 
  4. In the Definition tab, develop a Business-Document structure as in the following illustration:
  5. Save, check and close the object.

Create the Map-Broker

  1. In the Composer Integration Services workbench, select New > Integration > Map-Broker from the File menu.
  2. Composer displays the DML Map-Broker properties window.
  3. In the General tab of the Map-Broker properties window enter a name for the Map-Broker and select the bd_jms Business-Document as the input Business-Document.
  4. In the DecisionPath tab of the Map-Broker properties window, add a Step step.
  5. In the Expression field, enter setAttribute expressions to set JMS attribute values. You can set multiple attribute values by entering multiple expressions:
  6. In the DecisionPath tab of the Map-Broker properties window, now add a Mapping Rule step.
  7. Composer automatically appends an And route to step.
  8. In the And route to step, enter the name of the Send Activity. For example: send_to_websphere.
  1. Check, save and close the Map-Broker object.

Phase 3: Add the Map-Broker to the Integration-Process

  1. In the Composer Integration Services workbench, open the Integration-Process you created in Phase 1 of this procedure.
  2. Composer displays the Integration-Process properties window.
  3. Select the Graph tab.
  4. In the Composer Integration tab, Mapping Manager sub-tab, click to display the content of the DML Map-Broker directory.
  5. Drag the Map-Broker you created in Phase 2 of this procedure to the worksheet of the Graph tab.
  6. Composer creates a Sequential Activity and in it a Map-Stage that holds the Map-Broker and its associated input and output Business-Documents.
  7. In the Graph tab, select the Create new link tool, and use the tool to link the Receive Activity to the Sequential Activity, and the output Business-Document of the Map Stage to the Send Activity.
  8. Check, save and close the object.

After you create the Integration-Process

Create an Integration-Task to link the Activities to processes on a specific Integrator Server.

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