Creating Users

About users and user rights

A User object defines the properties and user rights of a Composer User. Each User is identified by a unique login name and a password.


Create a Folder in Composer.


  1. Start Composer and select the Administration Workbench.
  2. In the Administration workbench, select File > New > User rights > User/Group.
  3. Complete the General tab.
  4. Use the Add and Remove buttons in the Groups tab to associate the User with one or more Groups.
  5. If you have not defined a Group object, the left pane is empty.
  6. Use the Add and Remove buttons in the Operation Rights tab to authorize the User to perform operations for each object type, such as Create, Modify, Send to Server.
  7. Use the Object Rights tab to restrict User or Group access to specific instances of Folders, Environments or Resource tags.
  8. Use the Add and Remove buttons in the Workbenches tab to determine which workbenches the User or Group can access on Composer startup. Rights on objects also depend on the workbench access, for example, if you only assign access to the Administration workbench, the User only has access to objects in this workbench, regardless of the any other workbench object rights defined in step 5.

For more information about creating and managing Composer objects, refer to the Axway Composer User's Guide.

Related topics

Creating Folders