Adding the FTPS protocol to the Remote Partner (FTP client initiator)

About this procedure

For this example presume that we are connecting to a remote FTPS server located at and listening on port 6371 as user2 with the password user2.


  1. Open a session in the PassPort user interface.
  2. Go to Partners > Managing partners and click the Partner_remote partner (or whatever name you gave to the remote partner) to open it.
  3. View remote partner creation topic
  4. Select the Protocols tab and click Add protocol.
  5. From the displayed protocol template list, select a FTP and click Next.
  6. PassPort displays the "Protocol setup" screen.
  7. Complete the fields:
  8. Field Enter value (examples)
    Name RFTP_Partner_remote
    Description Remote FTP Server partner
    Available for use Select this option
    Connection mode SERVER
    • Select the remote server public certificate
    • Select the SSL option
    Net address (example)
    SSL/TLS Do not select
    Certificate password __
    Confirmation __
    Server Login or User ID user2
    Server Password user2
    Confirmation user2
    Client Login or User ID __
    Client Password __
    Confirmation __
    FTP mode PASSIVE
    Home Directory __
    Root Directory __
  9. Click Finish.
  10. PassPort adds the protocol to the remote partner Protocols tab.