Adding the SFTP protocol to the Remote Partner (client initiator)

About this procedure

For this example presume that we are connecting to a remote SFTP server located at and listening on port 6321 as suser2 with the password suser2.


  1. Open a session in the PassPort user interface.
  2. Go to Partners > Managing partners and click the Partner_remote remote partner (or whatever name you gave to the remote partner) to open it.
  3. View Partner_remote creation topic
  4. Select the Protocols tab and click Add protocol.
  5. From the displayed protocol template list, select a Ssh-FTP and click Next.
  6. PassPort displays the "Protocol setup" screen.
  7. Complete the fields:
  8. Field Enter value (examples)
    Name RSFTP_Partner_remote
    Description Axway Gateway Ssh-FTP
    Available for use Select this option
    Connection mode SERVER
    • Select the Partner_remote SSH key
    • Select Server usage
    Net address
    Authentication mode PASSWORD
    Server Login or User ID suser2
    Server Password suser2
    Confirmation suser2
    Client Login or User ID __
    Client Password __
    Confirmation __
    Home Directory __
    Newline convention None
    Application method None
  9. Click Finish.
  10. PassPort adds the protocol to the remote partner Protocols tab.