XFBStat Tracked Object

When you configure Sentinel for Transfer CFT, you can import the XFBStat Tracked Object. XFBStat is a Tracked Object that was created for the XFB_Statisitcs Correlation Rule. This Correlation Rule is an example rule that is delivered with the Sentinel Correlation Interface.

As long as the Event Correlator is started and XFB_Statisitcs is activated, XFB_Statisitcs generates one Tracked Instance every hour on the hour. Each Tracked Instance stores statistics about the Tracked Instances that the Sentinel Server received from Transfer CFT during the preceding hour. To retrieve details from XFBStat, create and execute your own Requests.

Before you use XFBStat, it is recommended that you become familiar with Correlation Rules and the Correlation Interface.

For more information on Transfer Statistics and Correlation Rules, refer to the Axway Sentinel documentation.

Attributes description

The following table describes the XFBStat attributes.

Attribute Data Type Value



Number of transfers that Transfer CFT processed during the preceding hour.



Number of IDF3 transfers that Transfer CFT processed during the preceding hour. IDF3 is a specific IDF (Model File Identifier).

During a Transfer CFT transfer, the Sender generates an IDF for the Receiver. The IDF identifies the processes that the Receiver executes in response to the transferred data.



Number of IDF4 transfers that Transfer CFT processed during the preceding hour. IDF4 is a specific IDF (Model File Identifier).



Number of Alerts that Transfer CFT generated during the preceding hour.

Related topics

XFBTransfer Tracked Object

XFBLog Tracked Object