XFBTransfer Tracked Object

About XFBTransfer

XFBTransfer is a Tracked Object that stores and describes Tracked Instances of transfers. Each Tracked Instance describes a single step of a single transfer process. Together the Tracked Instances in each Processing Cycle describe the transfer of a file or a message between two Transfer CFT applications.

When you configure Sentinel for Transfer CFT, you can import the XFBTransfer Tracked Object.

XFBTransfer attributes

XFBTransfer includes attributes that you can use to identify:

Attributes description

Identifying the steps in the transfer process

For each step of each Transfer CFT transfer, Transfer CFT generates one Tracked Instance. In each Tracked Instance, the State attribute identifies the relevant step of the transfer process. The following table lists and describes the possible values of the State attribute for the Tracked Instances of a single Transfer CFT transfer.

The set of Tracked Instances that concern a single Transfer CFT transfer are referred to as a Processing Cycle. To identify the Tracked Instances that belong to the same Processing Cycle, use the CycleId attribute.

Identifying the roles of transfer partners

Although each Transfer CFT transfer occurs between only two transfer partners, each transfer partner plays two roles:

  1. Sender or Receiver
  2. Requester or Server

The State attribute details table underscores these roles. Notice that transfer partners are referred to as Requesters, Senders, and Receivers.

For a given transfer, only the following combinations of partner roles are possible:

In each Tracked Instance, the following attributes identify the roles of the transfer partner that generated the Tracked Instance.

Example 1

Example 2

Identifying Senders and Receivers

Together, the Direction and IsServer attributes identify the role of a transfer partner in the transfer process. However, they do not explicitly identify partners. To explicitly identify transfer partners, use the following attributes.

Identifying transfer monitors

Each Sender and Receiver is a logical entity that operates from a physical machine. Each machine is referred to as a transfer monitor. To identify details about transfer monitors, use the attributes that are listed in the following table. If the value of the direction attribute is:

Identifying transfer users

Although Senders and Receivers perform all actions in the transfer process, they do not initiate these actions. Transfer users initiate transfer actions. Transfer users include both people and software applications. To monitor details about transfer users, use the following attributes.

Identifying transfers

To identify a transfer, use the following attributes.

Identifying transfer validity periods

Senders and Receivers can perform specific transfers only during the specified validity periods. To monitor the validity periods for transfers, use the following attributes.

Identifying transfer dates and times

During the transfer process, Senders and Receivers record the time and date of certain actions that they perform. To monitor these details, use the following attributes.

Identifying transfer protocols

Most transfers are associated with three protocol layers:

Identifying transfer options

To monitor transfer options, use the following attributes.

Identifying the size of transfers

To monitor the size of transferred files and messages, use the following attributes.

Identifying the structure and content of transfers

To monitor the structure and content of transfers, use the following attributes.

Related topics

Correspondence tables (Sentinel to Transfer CFT attributes)

XFBLog Tracked Object

XFBStat Tracked Object