Implementation > Electronic Signature > Using PassPort AM

Using PassPort AM with Electronic Signature

This topic explains how to use PassPort AM with Electronic Signature.


Electronic Signature can use PassPort AM to store the following:

PassPort AM also provides a Single Sign On (SSO) feature. Single sign-on enables users to log in to multiple Axway products with just one user name and password. To use this feature you must enable SSO during the installation of PassPort. This means that users are not required to log in each time they access the Electronic Signature UI.


To install Electronic Signature with PassPort AM, choose the PassPort AM option in the Access Management configuration page when you are installing the Axway products. For PassPort integration, complete the following fields:

Field Description

Hostname of the PassPort installation

Main SSL/TLS port SSL port of the PassPort installation
Shared Secret The shared secret defined during PassPort installation
Use SSO Check if you want to use Single Sign On
Component SSO port Electronic Signature port where user will connect to SSO
Component instance Name of the Electronic Signature instance in PassPort

Note about Update mode

You can use the Axway Installer to update the Access Management installation. However, you cannot use update mode to switch from PassPort AM mode to Electronic Signature mode or vice versa. This would cause data inconsistency in the database.


After installing Electronic Signature, you have to:

Starting Electronic Signature for the first time

Start Electronic Signature.

The first start of Electronic Signature automatically imports all required data into PassPort:

Basically, Electronic Signature has two resources: Payment and Administration.

Two predefined privileges are defined: Sign payments and Manage administration.

Two predefined roles are defined: Electronic Signature Signer and Electronic Signature Administrator.

Note: For more information about resources, predefined privileges and predefined roles, refer to the Axway PassPort documentation.

Creating Administrator and Signer users in PassPort

Log in to the PassPort UI with an administrator userID and create all the users you need for Electronic Signature. You can then assign roles to the created users. You can assign Electronic Signature Signer and Electronic Signature Administrator roles. You have to create at least one user with Electronic Signature Administrator role and one with Electronic Signature Signer role. Refer to the Axway PassPort Administration Guide for more information about creating users and assigning roles.

Note: Instead of storing user definitions in PassPort, you can use an external LDAP directory. You have to connect the LDAP directory to PassPort. Refer to the Axway PassPort Administration Guide for more information.

Updating PassPort properties

  1. Log in to the PassPort UI with an administrator user ID.
  2. Browse to the System properties menu.
  3. Set the property:

Importing Signer users from PassPort

  1. Connect to Electronic Signature with one of the administrator users you have created.
  2. From the Administration menu, browse to the Users pane and click Add User.
  3. Enter the userID of each signer user created in the previous step.
  4. Assign those users to a group with Signer option.

Defining users who will receive email notifications

In Electronic Signature, some users must receive an email notification when a payment is imported but no rule matches. Those users should then correct the integration because wrong files have been generated or update the rule definition in order to take into account the new file.

  1. From the Administration menu, browse to Group menu.
  2. Create a new group with Administrator option.
  3. Assign users to the group.

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