Implementation > Electronic Signature > Purging payments

Purging payments in Electronic Signature

After payments have been signed or rejected they remain visible in the Electronic Signature UI. After a while you should purge the old payments so that the list of payments remains manageable for the signer. The purge command enables you to perform this action.

Purge command

On the command line, enter the purge command with the required parameters.


purge -d <DD/MM/YYYY> -s <status>


-d (date) is mandatory

-s (status) is optional

Parameter usage

If you use the -d parameter only:

The purge command purges all transfers before the specified date in the ACCEPTED, REFUSED, REJECTED, and SEND_ERROR states.

If you also use the –s parameter:

The purge command purges all transfers before the specified date in the specified state. Available states:

The SIGNED and SENDING statuses are both shown in the UI as Sending.

When purging Sending payments, the command line needs to be executed twice: the first time for the SIGNED status and the second time for the SENDING status. The payload file related to the purged payment will be deleted from the disk. When Electronic Signature is configured in Gateway mode, the XML files used to import the payment will also be deleted from the disk.

The BEGINNING state corresponds to the payments without a workflow.These payments are not visible in the UI as no matching rule is found.

Database records

The purge command also purges fex_psr records from the database. Electronic Signature maintains these records in order to match payment files and PSRs. The command automatically removes records older than the expiration date.

The expiration date is defined in the configuration file, by the property psr.purge.expirationDays. By default, this property is set to 30 days. If you need to change it, choose a value that is:

Avoid setting expirationDays to 0 as the purge command could delete fex_psr records that have not yet been reconciled. A PSR fetch must be done within the expirationDays period. For example if the value is set to 7 then at least one PSR fetch must have been executed within the last week.

Related topics

Overview of Axway Electronic Signature

Configuring Electronic Signature