Installation and prerequisites > EBICS Server > Prerequisites

Prerequisites to installing EBICS Server

License key

Ensure you have a valid license key for EBICS Server.

Universal Agent

Installing Universal Agent is not mandatory but recommended. It provides additional reliability by storing requests even if Sentinel Server goes offline for whatever reason.

Supported platforms

You can install EBICS Server on:

Supported databases

For data storage, you require a JDBC database connected via the EBICS Server.

Application Server Oracle MySQL
JBoss 10g or 11g 5.0 or 5.1
WebSphere 10g or 11g Not supported
WebLogic 11g Not supported

Install the database before you install Axway Financial Exchange.

For complete details of database prerequisites for the Axway 5 Suite, refer to the Axway 5 Suite Installation and Prerequisites Guide.

Oracle database user for EBICS Server

When using an Oracle database with EBICS Server, you must assign certain privileges to the database user. For details, see Step 2a: Creating the Oracle user for EBICS Server. This procedure is valid for JBoss, WebSphere and WebLogic.

File system

In addition to the database storage, to enhance runtime performance, user data is stored in a file system. You dimension the file system to correspond to the requirements of your production environment.

Java requirements



Important: The WebSphere EBICS Server includes its own Java implementation. Make sure the JAVA_HOME is correctly set by the WebSphere Application Server.


Checking the Java version

To check the Java version, enter the command:

java –version

Java Unrestricted Jurisdiction Policies

Due to US government export restrictions, JVM implementations are delivered with a restricted cryptographic strength that varies depending on the Java Virtual Machine vendor.

Because FEX products rely heavily on the cryptographic capabilities of the underlying JVM, there may be problems running with lower cryptographic constraints, ranging from non support of certain required key lengths, to not being able to start.

To solve this, the Java Virtual Machine must be modified to include the Java Unrestricted Jurisdiction Policies. These policies are usually shipped as a ZIP file that you use to overwrite the files local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar, located in the $JAVA_HOME/lib/security directory.

These policies are included with the delivered Java version of the Axway installer.

J2EE Server for EBICS Server

EBICS Server runs as a web application on a J2EE 5.0 enabled application server (JBoss, WebSphere or WebLogic). It requires a Java version J2SE 5.0. The following J2EE Servers are supported:

EBICS Server is based on EJB 3.0.

JBoss Application Server

Axway provides a pre-packaged solution based on JBoss v4.2.3 that can be used for the EBICS Server installation.

WebSphere Application Server

WebSphere 6.1

The following features must be applied on WebSphere 6.1:

WebSphere 8.0

No specific features need to be added to WebSphere Application Server 8.0.

WebLogic Application Server

Axway provides an application package (EAR) that can be deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.4 or higher) for the EBICS Server installation.

Web browser

For EBICS Server administration you require one of the following web browsers:

The browser/server connection is secured by SSL. This requires activation of the TLS option in your selected browser.

Sentinel tracking

For monitoring purposes, Sentinel can be used.

DMZ integration

If you are implementing a firewall with EBICS Server, you can install the following Axway products:

There is no specific EBICS Server configuration for Secure Relay. For information about standard port use, refer to the Axway Secure Relay documentation.

Alternatively you can use an HTTP proxy.

Related topics

FEX installation prerequisites

Installing EBICS Server: Start here

Port number assignments