Dedicated format transformation mappings > CFONB

CFONB add-on Map-Brokers

Available add-on Map-Brokers

The FEX Map-Brokers listed in the following table transform CFONB messages into SEPA messages.

Map-Broker name CFONB input format SEPA output format Handling constraints
CFONB_160_VIRT_to_SEPACustBnkCrdtTrsfr CFONB (160_VIRT) Customer to Bank Credit Transfer (pain.001.001.03) None
CFONB_320_VETR_to_SEPACustBnkCrdtTrsfr CFONB (320_VETR) Customer to Bank Credit Transfer (pain.001.001.03) See CFONB (320_VETR) input information and constraints

Message handling information and constraints

General considerations

Error handling

During message handling in Integrator the rejection of a file could be global or partial. For example with a file containing multiple remittances, each remittance containing multiple operations:

Transformation mapping functions

CFONB (320_VETR) input information and constraints


All payment transactions must use the Euro currency.

Creditor account

The creditor account value is not mandatory. However, for CFONB to SEPA mapping, the creditor account field (04/5) has to be set in each payment transaction of an 320_VETR remittance. If not, the remittance must be rejected.

IBAN processing

Adding a BIC

Chargebearer account

For the chargebearer account fields (04/20, 04/21 and 04/22), the present release of the SEPA Map-Broker does not map the fields to pain001. If fields 04/20, 04/21 and 04/22 are present in the 320_VETR input file, they must be ignored.

Execution date handling

Attention: For the execution date for payment transactions, in 320_VETR, the execution date is provided at the payment transaction level, whereas in SEPA the execution date is provided at the remittance level. For Map-Broker handling, if the 320_VETR remittance is in multi-date format, the 320_VETR remittance will be split into multiple SEPA remittances.

Related topics

About CFONB to SCT mapping

About SWIFT tables

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