Implementation > FEX RMA > Configuring access control for FEX RMA

Configuring access control for FEX RMA


Importing required data into PassPort

Creating users in PassPort

Updating PassPort properties

This topic explains how to use PassPort AM to manage access control for FEX RMA.


FEX RMA uses PassPort AM to store the following:

Importing required data into PassPort

Predefined roles for access management are delivered with FEX RMA. When you start FEX RMA for the first time, it automatically imports all required data into PassPort:

Resources, privileges and roles


Basically, FEX RMA has two resources: Authorization and ASP.

Resource Description
Authorization Represents the authorization that can be imported and used during filtering steps.
ASP Related to the management of the ASP (Application Service Profile) package.


Three privileges are predefined: Manage ASP, Read authorizations and Manage authorizations.

Privilege Description
Manage ASP Allows a user to import an ASP package into FEX RMA.
Read authorizations Allows a user to only read authorizations. This is the privilege which needs to be used for filtering purposes (for example).
Manage authorizations Allows a user to create, update, read and delete authorizations.


Three roles are predefined: ASP manager, Authorization reader and Authorization manager.

Role Description
ASP manager All users assigned to this role have Manage ASP privileges. They can import ASP packages.
Authorization reader All users assigned to this role have Read authorizations privileges.
Authorization manager All users assigned to this role have Manage authorizations privileges. They can create, update, read and delete authorizations.

Note: For more information about resources, predefined privileges and predefined roles, refer to the Axway PassPort documentation.

Creating users in PassPort

Log in to the PassPort UI with an administrator user ID and create all the users you need for FEX RMA.

You can then assign roles to the created users.

For more information about creating users and assigning roles, refer to the Axway PassPort Administration Guide.

Note: Instead of storing user definitions in PassPort, you can use an external LDAP directory. You have to connect the LDAP directory to PassPort. Refer to the Axway PassPort Administration Guide for more information.

Updating PassPort properties

  1. Log in to the PassPort UI with an administrator user ID.
  2. Browse to the System properties menu.
  3. Set the property:

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FEX RMA: Overview