Implementation > FEX RMA > Overview

FEX RMA: Overview


Axway Financial Exchange products for FEX RMA

Summary of FEX RMA features


FEX RMA (Relationship Management Application) is an optional product of Axway Financial Exchange. It manages the exchange of SWIFTNet authorizations between partners. This first version of FEX RMA concentrates on RMA filtering using Axway Gateway.

This version of FEX RMA includes the following features:



Axway Financial Exchange products for FEX RMA

FEX RMA is used as part of FEX in combination with the following products:

Summary of FEX RMA features

This section provides an overview of the features available in FEX RMA. For a complete description, refer to the relevant topics in this book.


The housekeeping scripts enable you to start, stop and check the current status of the RMA Server.

Access control

FEX RMA uses PassPort AM for access control management. Predefined roles are delivered. When you start FEX RMA for the first time, it automatically imports all required data into PassPort.

PassPort AM provides a Single Sign On (SSO) feature. Single sign-on enables users to log in to multiple Axway products with just one user name and password.

Checking and importing RMA distribution files

FEX RMA allows you to import RMA distribution files. These are XML files that contain authorizations. Checking a distribution file consists of making sure that it is valid without actually importing it to the RMA Server.

Importing an ASP package

After you install and configure FEX RMA, the ASP data tables are empty. You must download an ASP package from SWIFT and import it.

RMA filtering exit

FEX provides an RMA filtering exit that is used in conjunction with Axway Gateway. Gateway uses the RMA filtering exit to make authorization requests to the FEX RMA Server for transfers it receives or wants to send. Depending on the response of the RMA Server, the transfers will either proceed or be canceled.

RMA Server administration commands

The RMA command line enables you to act upon a running RMA Server. The command line enables you to perform operations such as importing a distribution file or an Application Service Profile (ASP).

Related topics

About RMA

About ASP

Housekeeping: starting and stopping the RMA Server

Configuring access control for FEX RMA

Checking and importing an RMA distribution file

Using the RMA filtering exit

RMA Server administration commands