KB Article #153188

Quick access to FTD logs diectory


The default location for FTD 2.0.1 logs is as follow:


It is a bit long and tedious to type it every time when trying to navigate to it.


A more convenient way to navigate to the default logs directory is to use an alias e.g. named "cdlogs".

Steps to create the alias:

1.   Edit file .bashrc (note the dot before the file name) under /root
2.   Insert the following line

alias cdlogs='cd /opt/axway/FTDirect/nodeExecutive/runtime/<hostname>-1/logs'

where <hostname> is the host name of the box

3.   Save the file and logout
4.   Login again and execute "cdlogs" from the command line:

<hostname>:~ # cdlogs
<hostname>:/opt/axway/FTDirect/nodeExecutive/runtime/<hostname>-1/logs #