KB Article #156825

Run archiver manually, HowTo



--run archiver manually


1. Run the profile script

2. Run r4edi archiver.x4 -? for a list of archiver options

3. Check the task monitor / integrator processes / B2Bi logger singleton 1 & 2 / general tab for the name of the task (ex b2bi_b2biloggersingleton)

4. Edit the command below for windows/linux environment variables & sh/bat script.

5. Edit host name in the example script

6. Edit retention & interval

7. Run for ALL archiver tasks with sh/bat schript _1 & _2 ..n

r4edi archiver.x4
    -d                                             <-- Debug flag
    -A $CORE_LOCAL/config/passwd                 <-- File containing auth string
    -s b2bi_b2biloggersingleton                 <-- Task name
    -h byb2biu01                                 <-- Hostname
    -i 00:00:00:00:03:00                          <-- Interval
    -g 2012:05:24:09:49:00                         <-- First run
    -j 00:00:01:00:00:00                        <-- Retention period                    

#Example script(LINUX)
r4edi archiver.x4 -d -A $CORE_LOCAL/config/passwd -s b2bi_b2biloggersingleton_2 -h byb2biu01 -i 00:00:00:00:03:00  -g 2012:05:24:09:49:00 -j 00:00:01:00:00:00 $B2BI_SHARED_LOCAL/config/archiver/archiverscript_2.sh

#Example script(WINDOWS)
r4edi archiver.x4 -d -A %CORE_LOCAL%\config\passwd -s Integratorb2biloggersingleton -h b2bi -i 00:00:10:00:00:00  -g 2012:09:11:09:49:00 -j 00:00:60:00:00:00 %B2BI_SHARED_LOCAL%\config\archiver\archiverscript_2.bat

usage: archiver.x4 [-ISTbde] [-A file] [-a password] [-c file] [-f time]
       [-f time] [-h host] [-i interval] [-j interval] [-k interval] [-s service]
       [-t dir] [-N name] [-K dayofweek]
       A - file containing authentication string
       n - don't output non-existing external files
       N - name of archiver task, used to identify debug traces
       S - switch to a new inactive log entries file before doing archiving
       T - output warnings for non-existing external files
       a - authentication password
       b - do a backup instead of an archive
       c - create named file each time archiving has been completed
       d - debug flag
       D - print info messages before and after archiving
       e - archive when event received from Logger server
       f - first time to archive
       F - first time to inactive
       g - first time to archive
       G - first time to inactive
       h - host name
       i - time between archives
       I - time between inactive
       j - only archive files that aren't newer than this
       k - do not archive if all files are newer than this
       s - service name
       t - directory where temporary files are created
       K - skip archiving on day of week. Argument must be a number between 1 and 7. Can specify multiple days.