KB Article #166047

Not possible to modify a locked chart: Chart has alreay been opened by user




When opening a chart in the modeling tab, the following warning message appears:

"The chart X has already been opened by ...".

No modification is possible on this chart.




The explanation is that this chart is already used and locked by another user.

Resolution steps:

1) Log in the GUI as OPADMIN user.

2) In the console management, go to the "list of lock table". One line with the concerned chart, the connected user, the host used (from which the connection is established) and the connection number should appear.

3) If the connected user can be contacted, then he should simply be asked to leave the chart.

4) If not possible or successful, (user not reachable, session broken, ...), try to delete the lock:


  • select the appropriate line in the "list of lock table" tab
  • click on the "Unlock chart" button (on the right, second button from the top)


5) If the unlock did not work ("Real lock, cannot delete." message), note down the "connection number” and go to the "List of connected GUI" tab. There, try to disconnect the appropriate GUI:


  • select the line which the same connection number and host in the "List of connected GUI" tab
  • click on the "Disconnect the Gui" button (on the right, second button from the top)


6) In some very specific cases, the previous options will not be successful. Two more options are available in this situation:

a. Close or kill all GUIs running on the machine that locks the chart. Then connect from another machine to delete the lock.

b. Try to overwrite the locked connection with a real one, that can be deleted afterwards, by reusing its "connection id"



  • we assume that "connection id" of the lock is 0
  • make a new connection with a GUI, its "connection id" will be 0
  • make another new connection with a GUI, "connection id" will be 1
  • close the GUI with the "connection id" 0 and delete the lock from the other GUI (with "connection id" 1).