KB Article #168407

How to manually obtain a SFTP server public key


-- When creating a new external SFTP exchange point, or updating one, using the "retrieve public key from server" option is not working.

-- The key must be added manually via "Server public key file" option

-- Key must be in openSSH SSH2 format


Two possible solutions:

1) Ask your partner for the correct key. Install this key manually.

2) Obtain the key via a commandline tool ssh or sftp:

  1. Connect to the server: sftp -o Port=[port] [hostname]
  2. Agree to add the key to the known hosts
  3. Go to your /home/[user]/.ssh folder
  4. Open the known_hosts file
  5. Find the [hostname]
  6. Copy the complete key, starting with "ssh-"... and paste this into a single file
  7. Import this file in Interchange

* On Windows openSSH must be installed manually in order to use this solutions. The tool can be installed with Cygwin or as a standalone (with a minimal Cygwin package): http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/ . The /home/user/.ssh folder should be the windows users folder, e.g. c:\Users\[user]\.ssh. The home folder can be set/changed in the registry (see openSSH/docs/readme.txt)