KB Article #175812

Variable file format and CFT for z/os


--Blocked Variable files are received as Variable non blocked
--NSPACE provided can be too low in regards of the data transferred, the receiver get B37 on the variable file created


The fact: When CFT is used with PeSIT PROFILE=CFT, the FMTX is not used (extended file format details passed to the partner using the PI99) so files are not allocated in blocked format.

CFT attempts to block all variable files but when format is Variable and blksize = lrecl +4 AND the SGINSTAL option is set with FORMATVB=NO AND PROFILE is not set to ANY or the sender is not CFT on z/os (see A12OPTS)


Choices available:

1)           Prefer the PROFILE=ANY to the older PROFILE=CFT when possible (that way, the FMTX is provided to the received and it allows dealing with not only blocked files but also ASA, VBS and so on…) (apply when CFT z/os to CFT z/os)

2)           If all Variable files can/should always be allocated as VB (so including when the sender is not CFT on z/os), set the SGINSTAL with the FORMATVB=YES option.





If CFT z/os to CFT z/os AND PROFILE=ANY AND SGINSTAL FORMATVB=NO, the VB file will be received as a VB file

If PeSIT other than CFT on z/os to CFT z/os AND PROFILE=ANY AND SGINSTAL FORMATVB=NO, the VB file will be received as a V file

If SGINSTALL FORMATVB=YES, then all V files will be allocated as VB files.

If SGINSTALL FORMATVB=NO and the sender is CFT for  UNIX or Windows or a 3rd party PeSIT monitor, CFT will attempt to block the file unless the FLRECL is equal to the FBLKSIZE-4