KB Article #178341

Binary file allocation error on mvs


CFTF01E local file [CFT.AXWAY.TEST.FILE.BIN] creation error 000003E4

Receiving a binary file from UNIX / Windows

FRECFM=U is used


Undefined file format on DASD cannot have a BLKSIZE > 32760

In the reported issue, the sender of the binary file have a FLRECL set to 32767 in the CFTSEND.

To create the UNDEFINED file on the z/os, CFT use the provided FLRECL for the FBLKSIZE (as LRECL=0 for the Undefined file format)

Because of the too high value, the file cannot be allocated.

Note: For performances aspect, Undefined file format should be avoided.

Variable file format should be up to deal just fine for binary data and will offer better transfer performances and less constraints in regards of the file allocation.

When Undefined file format is mandatory, ensure the allocation will be done in the respect of the maximum allowed size for the block (32760)