KB Article #175902

Wkhtmltopdf RedHat Package Dependencies


Analytics generatepdf errors because of missing dynamic libraries


generatepdf tool uses the open source utility wkhtmltopdf to process pdf output. This has several package dependencies that would normally only be discovered on minimal or headless server installations.

wkhtmltopdf depends on the following packages, some will be installed by default

expat fontconfig freetype glib2 glibc libgcc libICE libjpeg libpng libSM libstdc++ libX11 libXau libXdmcp libXext libXrender zlib

A typical Redhat/Centos/Oracle 5 or 6 installation will need to bring in the following packages with yum :-

  • yum install fontconfig freetype libICE libjpeg libpng libSM libX11 libXau libXdmcp libXext libXrender  


A Full X Windows installation will also work

  • yum groupinstall "X Window System"