KB Article #176106

Transfer CFT is issuing 'D GRS,ENQ,C' command


--Transfer CFT is issuing 'D GRS,ENQ,C' command
--After a RENAME or PARTREL failure, CFT is issuing command 'D GRS,ENQ,C'
--Message '16.53.27 STC25900  D GRS,ENQ,C' in the syslog after CFPR01E:PARTREL retry RC=08


--CFT can issue the D GRS,ENQ,C in some conditions, at CFTSTOP if a file cannot be freed, after a failure trying to rename a received file, after a failure to release unused file space (RENAME/PARTREL)
--The command is issued to help to troubleshot the reason of the RENAME or PARTREL error on the received file.

if CFT is not authorized to that command we will not get details on to what JOB/TASK the file is allocated to.