KB Article #176449

Unable to install API Gateway 7.3.1 on Linux without setting up a node manager or instance


-- You would like to simply install the files for the API Gateway and set up the node manager and instances afterwards, but there appears to be no option for this in the Linux installer.


* The installer options are a bit misleading.  The "Admin Node Manager" option merely installs the files for it, it doesn't actually register the host.  The following sample installation shows the gateway being installed without creating a node manager or any instances.  You will have to register the host after installation and set up instances manually -


Setup Type

[1] Standard - All API Gateway components: All product components including Quick Start Tutorial and Desktop Tools will be installed. API Manager will not be installed.

[2] Complete - All API Gateway components and API Manager: All product components including API Manager, Quick Start Tutorial and Desktop Tools will be installed.

[3] Advanced - User can select the components: You will be able to select the components to be installed.
Please choose an option [1] : 3

Select the components you want to install; clear the components you do not want
to install. Click Next when you are ready to continue.

Admin Node Manager [Y/n] : y

API Gateway Server [Y/n] : n

API Manager [y/N] : n

API Gateway Analytics [y/N] : n

Desktop Tools : Y (Cannot be edited)

Desktop Tools - Policy Studio [Y/n] :n

Desktop Tools - Configuration Studio [y/N] : n

Desktop Tools - API Tester [y/N] : n

Is the selection above correct? [Y/n]: y

Please specify the directory where Axway API Gateway will be installed.

Installation Directory [/opt/Axway-7.3.1]:


The following components will be installed:

   - Admin Node Manager

Please wait while Setup installs Axway API Gateway on your computer.

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