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KB Article #176683

After importing a WSDL with Virtualize a Service, not all WSDL operations are listed in Policy Studio


* Policy Studio does not display all operations of a WSDL after importing it using the Virtualize a Service option.


-- This is a display issue in Policy Studio that will be addressed in a future service pack.  It may happen with certain WSDLs, for example when the WSDL contains polymorphic style operations where each operation uses the same wrapper element, but a different namespace and SOAPAction.

There is a work-around available, using the sample script which is found in \apigateway\samples\scripts\ws  You may have to modify it to give the WSDL path, by editing 'wsdlURL' on line 23.  An example of invoking it to make it print out its help text is below:

\7.3.1\apigateway\samples\scripts>run ws\ --help
Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GROUP, --group=GROUP
                        API Server Group
  -n SERVICE, --service=SERVICE
                        API Server
  -u USER, --username=USER
                        Default username
  -p PASS, --password=PASS
                        Default password
  -d URL, --url=URL     Traffic monitor URL for API