KB Article #177136

DIAGP for a failed transfer does not allow easily to track back the exact root cause


DIAPG for a failed transfer does not allow easily to track back the root cause

DIAGI=101 and DIAGP=39969794


The DIAGI provides the generic description of the encountered error.

In the example above, 101 stand for (FILE - Error creating the receive file)

DIAGI reflect the detected error that is also sent to the partner through the PeSIT protocol.

When the DIAGI error value does not permit the user to track back the root cause, the DIAGP can provide some more insight about the encountered error.

A tool is delivered in the CFT package for Windows to help to get details from the DIAGP returned error.

Using that tool maybe requested by support during a case analysis.

check for ‘code_err.exe’ located in home\bin


E:\Axway\Transfer_CFT\home\bin>code_err.exe 39969794

Utilitaire d'analyse des codes erreurs asynchrone
numero et nom du fichier (V.1) : 9 (fichier non reference dans la v.1)
numero et nom du fichier (V.2) : 9 (SIFM.C)
numero de ligne dans le fichier : 2169

code erreur specifique : 0002 (0002H) <--- This is the errno returned at error time

errno value can be found from the errno.h file

In our example, the errno value is 2 and stand for: 'No such file or directory'

It then permit to conclude that the FNAME variable is probably set with a path that includes a directory name that does not exist at allocation attempt time.

DIAGI=101 (FILE - Error creating the receive file)

Because the FNAME path contains an invalid directory name


It is an option in CFT to create the directories from a FNAME path if they are not found at file allocation time. By default, all directories from a path must exist already.