KB Article #177496

McAfee Virus Definition Update Steps


What is the procedure to update McAfee Virus Definitions (DAT) for the API Gateway?


The latest virus definitions can be loaded into the API Gateway with the following procedure:

1. Obtain the definitions from the following sources: either

a. http://update.nai.com/products/commonupdater/avvdat-xxxx.zip (xxxx is a number)

i. Directly retrieve the file avvdat-xxxx.zip and url changes little!

b. http://www.mcafee.com/apps/downloads/security-updates.aspx

i. E.g. a direct link to download the zip: http://download.nai.com/products/DatFiles/4.x/NAI/avvepo7961dat.zip

ii. Extract the zip file the avvdat-xxxx.zip (xxxx is a number)

2. avvdat-xxxx.zip file must be uploaded to Gateway API.

3. Create a directory /opt/Axway/apigateway/conf/plugin/mcafee/datv2.tmp

4. Unzip the file avvdat-xxxx.zip in the directory datv2.tmp

5. Run the command mv datv2.tmp datv2.new

6. After 1 or 2 minutes:

a. datv2.tmp directory disappears;

b. unzip content is found in the directory datv2;

c. a new directory is added datv2.x (x is a number auto-increment).

7. Also verify API GATEWAY steps:

a. https://admin-node-manager-host:8090/ Default login: admin pwd: changeme

b. Go in the logs and view the logs of the day: the next log to appear

i. INFO 22 / Oct / 2015: 14: 06: 43,052 [a2ae: 000000000000000000000000] McAfee virus scanner: updated signatures