KB Article #177800

How to download large trace files from API Gateway Manager


When using the API Gateway Manager interface on port 8090 there is an option to view inline or download a particular trace file.

Inline works fine but the download option can fail with the following error in the browser

  "errors" : [ {
    "code" : 102,
    "message" : "error occurred on call from Node Manager on 'node-731-22' to https://node-731-22:8085' for URL '/api/file/save/trace-dir/api1_node-22_20141120111856.trc' and 'GET'\n"
  } ],
  "result" : null

This appears to be caused by a check on actual file size compared to expected file size.

Gateway trace files are by default rolled over to the next increment when the size goes over 16 Mbytes.


All latest 7.* service packs bundle a script to change the maximum transaction size that can be used to increase the 10 Mbytes limit above the 16M byte threshold.

Run the following command from apigateway/samples/scripts directory.

./run.sh config/updateMaxInOutLen.py

When the script finishes restart the local Node Manager and Gateways

Run the script as follows to increase to 20 Mbytes for example :-

./run.sh config/updateMaxInOutLen.py --maxRequestMemory 20971520 --maxInputLen 20971520 --maxOutputLen 20971520