KB Article #177956

CG no longer starts, issue with Access and Security.


CG no longer starts, issue with Access and Security.

CG was working for a while without any issues.

No configuration change or upgrade applied.

Uma logs shows connection refused issue when connecting to 6666


In the passport (certificates) schema there is a table named ClusterMembership

This table normally contains one row that has the current passport host name in hostname field and also in its URL (the host part), check it match the current CG/Passport installation.

In case the same certificate schema/database has been used for another passport/cg installation on a different machine. (not supported, each installation should have its own schema) data may be overwritten.

If the certificate database is used just for this passport/cg installation, a simple solution to move on is to delete the existing record from the ClusterMembership table.

It needs cg/passport to be stopped.

The record will be re-created with the correct information at CG/Passport restart