KB Article #178232

How to apply a Patch, SP or an upgrade to a multi-host / multinode installation without service interruption?


How to apply a Patch, SP or an upgrade to a multi-host / multi-node installation ?

How can we ensure the continuity of service?


For a patch or a service pack, the continuity of service is ensured.

For an upgrade pack all nodes of the cluster must be stopped since a database migration occurs in this case.

Procedure to apply a patch or a service pack on a multi-node architecture based on N hosts:

1. Connect to the first host

2. Stop all nodes running on the that host by running the command: copstop. Copilot services are stopped and local nodes are automatically re-started on the other hosts.

3. Check that the nodes are re-started using CFTUTIL listnode command.

4. Install the patch or the service pack as usual by invoking the Axway Installer

5. Start Copilot services

6. Connect the next host and perform same operation starting from the step 2.