KB Article #179979

ERROR ERR: failed to import PARM/PART during upgrade


Upgrading Transfer CFT using an Upgrade Pack

ERROR ERR: failed to import PARM/PART

INFO Error applying update. Rolling back actions...


Procedure to find and fix the root cause of such an issue:

Get a CFTEXT output from a cft-support or from the command: cftutil cftext fout=My_cftext

From that file, remove all lines starting with CFTUI (to be find at the beginning and at the end of the file).

Import that configuration file into an other Transfer CFT already at the version of the targeted upgrade.

Any Linux installation will do for any Unix issue, any Windows for the issue reported on a Windows system.

Command: CFTUTIL @My_cftext or CFTUTIL #My_cftext (Linux / Windows command)

Check the output of the parameters compiling, find and fix error(s) that are the root cause of the failing upgrade.

Import back to the CFT to be upgraded the fixed configuration and launch again the Upgrade procedure.