KB Article #181479

CFT_Update parameter from runtime/.transfer_cft.properties not updated


The parameter CFT_Update is updated in runtime/transfer_cft.properties only when you install directly the Transfer CFT SP1 or SP2.

If you install first CFT 3.6 without SP and you apply the SP afterwards, the CFT_Update parameter is not updated, it remains 0 (even if the /Transfer_CFT/.transfer-cft.properties is updated: for SP1 the value is 1 and for SP2 the value is 2).


The file runtime/transfer_cft.properties is not a CFT file but an Installer file. The variable 'CFT_Update=' is updated at the very first installation and then, only when an upgrade occurs (that does not include a SP or a patch, only an upgrade).
This variable is updated when the runtime is changed (meaning only when upgrading to a higher version).

To sum-up, this file is only for InstallBuilder and used for update and upgrade management. A few more files are also for the Installer, like the .rundir.
The installation documentation will be updated with a few details about these files.