KB Article #178426

No access to the Copilot GUI after an upgrade to Transfer CFT 3.2.2


No access to the copilot after upgrading to Transfer CFT 3.2.2

Copilot is shutting down after the connection attempt

error in copui.trc:
20170213 10184839 MSG ALL PID=2687314 ================================= (c/src/copsmng/copsmng.c:472) [initSrv]
20170213 10184839 MSG ALL PID=2687314 Copilot starting... (c/src/copsmng/copsmng.c:473) [initSrv]
20170213 10184842 MSG ALL PID=2687314 Copilot server successfully started on port 1766
20170213 10184842 MSG ALL PID=2687314 Copilot server successfully started on port 1767
20170213 10184845 MSG ALL PID=2687314 Central Governance: sending self-registration request
20170213 10185225 MSG ALL PID=2687314 Central Governance: successfully registered (registration ID is 1394730717)
20170213 10322148 ERR SSL PID=7995680 CertLoadFileToBuffer : Could not open file ""
20170213 10322148 ERR SSL PID=7995680 SslCertificateInitializeFromFile : error
20170213 10322148 ERR SSL PID=7995680 SslMainProcess : session initialization error
20170213 10332091 ERR SSL PID=13697102 CertLoadFileToBuffer : Could not open file ""
20170213 10332091 ERR SSL PID=13697102 SslCertificateInitializeFromFile : error
20170213 10332091 ERR SSL PID=13697102 SslMainProcess : session initialization error
20170213 10374123 MSG ALL PID=2687314 Copilot is shutting down


This is a known and fixed issue in the SP1 of Transfer CFT 3.2.2

It occurs after an attempt to connect to the Copilot GUI in SSL when it is not configured for that:

Fix details:

RDCFT-1121 Issue: When Transfer CFT was successfully registered with CG but the Copilot server's SSL certificate was not defined (i.e. copilot.ssl.sslcertfile not set), the copsproc process crashed if it was used successively for HTTPS connections on the copilot.general.ssl_serverport port and then on the copilot.general.serverport port. Resolution: Fixed. in 3.2.2 SP1