KB Article #178763

Where are documented the JPI error codes - JPI Return Codes


Where can we find list of JPI error codes?

Trying to initiate file transfer using JPI.

XfbComC error code 3


The Transfer JPI server communicates to the CFT monitor using the CFTAPI.

The related error codes can be found in the cftapi.h header file ($CFTDIRINSTALL/inc/cftapi.h).

The reported error appears to be a syntax error.

/* Error code fields */

#define CAPI_NOERR 0 /* no error */
#define CAPI_CMD_LENGTH 1 /* CFT command string invalid */
/* does not exist or is greater then 1024 characters */
#define CAPI_KEY_NAME 2 /* keyword name incorrect */
#define CAPI_KEY_VALUE 3 /* keyword value incorrect */
#define CAPI_INT_ERR3 5 /* internal error 3 */
#define CAPI_INT_ERR1 6 /* internal error 1 */
#define CAPI_FUNC_UNDEF 9 /* command invalid */
#define CAPI_CAT_ALLOC 10 /* catalog file allocating problem */
#define CAPI_CAT_OPEN 11 /* catalog file opening problem */
#define CAPI_MEM_GET 12 /* memory allocation error */
#define CAPI_SEL_FDATE 14 /* FDATE criterion incorrect */
#define CAPI_SEL_CDATE 15 /* CDATE criterion incorrect */
#define CAPI_SEL_BDATE 16 /* BDATE criterion incorrect */
#define CAPI_SEL_EDATE 17 /* EDATE criterion incorrect */
#define CAPI_SEL_DIRECT 21 /* DIRECT criterion incorrect */
#define CAPI_SEL_TYPE 22 /* TYPE criterion incorrect */
#define CAPI_SEL_STATE 23 /* STATE criterion incorrect */
#define CAPI_SEL_DATE 24 /* EDATE value < BDATE value */
#define CAPI_SEL_LENGTH 25 /* LENGTH value incorrect */
#define CAPI_CAT_EOF 30 /* end of catalog file */
#define CAPI_CAT_READ 31 /* catalog file error */
#define CAPI_CAT_EMPTY 32 /* catalog empty */
#define CAPI_COM_ALLOC 33 /* communication medium allocation error */
#define CAPI_COM_ERR 34 /* communication medium not available */
#define CAPI_FUNC_NOAUTH 39 /* command not authorized in this state */
#define CAPI_MOD_OSTATE 40 /* state invalid */
#define CAPI_COM_OPEN 42 /* communication medium opening problem */
#define CAPI_COM_WRITE 43 /* communication medium write problem */
#define CAPI_MOD_NSTATE 45 /* new state requested incorrect */
#define CAPI_INT_ERR2 46 /* internal error 2 */
#define CAPI_CAT_CLOSE 50 /* catalog file closing error */
#define CAPI_CAT_FREE 51 /* catalog file de-allocation error */
#define CAPI_MEM_FREE 52 /* memory release error */
#define CAPI_COM_CLOSE 54 /* communication medium closing problem */
#define CAPI_CAT_SELECT 60 /* SELECT error */
#define CAPI_CAT_SORT 61 /* SORT error (extended APIX-C) */
#define CAPI_CAT_MODIFY 62 /* MODIFY error (extended APIX-C) */
#define APIS_READ_CONF_FILE 70 /* media configuration file error */
#define APIS_PARAM_TIMEOUT 71 /* param TIMEOUT out of bound */
#define APIS_PARAM_LOWPORT 72 /* param LOWPORT out of bound */
#define APIS_PARAM_HIGHPORT 73 /* param HIGHPORT out of bound */
#define APIS_PARAM_BOTHPORT 74 /* param LOWPORT and HIGHPORT incoherant */
#define APIS_CREATE_SOCKET 75 /* Create channel failed */
#define APIS_OPEN_SOCKET 76 /* Open channel failed */
#define APIS_SOCKET_WRITE 77 /* Channel write error */
#define APIS_SOCKET_READ 78 /* Channel read error */
#define APIS_CLOSE_SOCKET 79 /* Close channel failed */
#define APIS_SWAITCAT_FAILED 80 /* the transfer reached state K or H */
#define APIS_SWAITCAT_TIMEOUT 81 /* the given timeout is reached */
#define APIS_SWAITCAT_NFOUND 82 /* the given idtu was not been found */
#define APIS_SWAITCAT_DELETED 83 /* the transfer has been deleted */
#define APIS_SWAITCAT_PARAM_ERROR 84 /* the given parameter is not valid */
#define APIS_SWAITCAT_TOO_MANY 87 /*too many transfers have been selected (more than 2)*/

#define CAPI_ERRPTR 95 /* general code : pointer error */
#define CAPI_ERRUNDEF 96 /* general code : verb not defined */
#define CAPI_ERRSYNT 97 /* general code : syntax error */
#define CAPI_ERRSEMA 98 /* general code : semantic error */
#define CAPI_ERREXEC 99 /* general code : execution error */

#define CAPI_NOTAUTHORIZE 7000 /* general code : security error */
#define CAPI_ERROPEN 7001 /* general code : open error */
#define CAPI_ERRHEADER 7002 /* general code : header error */

#endif /* USR_CFTAPI_H */