KB Article #178764
CFTY13E CTX=200003 SSL Handshake local error [TLSINIT] CR=0 ()
Issue using the non-authentication mode
Error: CFTY13E CTX=200003 SSL Handshake local error [TLSINIT] CR=0 ()
Upgrade from version 3.1.3 to 3.2.x
Non-authentication mode in SSL was an Axway implementation used to work only between Axway's MFT product (CFT/InterPel/Gateway).
Since Version 3.2.x, CFT is based on OpenSSL and the Non-authentication mode in SSL is not supported anymore.
This kind of behavior is considered as a security hole.
TLS Non-authentication has been removed from the documentation. (was still present by mistake in the early documentation for version 3.2)