KB Article #178833

SMP/E: What jobs are needed after $40ICFT​ to complete the installation


After Job $30FAPP and $40ICFT all data-sets for the new instance have been created.

What jobs do we need to run after Job $40ICFT to complete the installation ?


The job A05ALL can be submitted to complete the installation (B20LINK and other not needed jobs after an

SMP/E installation are automatically excluded)

After the SMP/E install, the jobs B20LINK and B25LKWS are not expected, delivered load modules are already linked with the WebServices option.


The SAF PKI is automatically enabled with SMP/E install method.

You also do not have to care about the xpkiopt and csflib 'hlq.SCSFMOD0' needed when running job B20LINK on a non SMP/E installation.

A future product version / SP may provide facility to re-link only the needed modules in case the XML Toolkit is upgraded. (otherwise, the CFT loadlib must have access to the version matching the per-requisites)