KB Article #72699

Tranfer CFT installation


New packaging:


Since June 2011, Transfer CFT 2.7.1 is delivered on two DVD : Standalone DVD and Governance DVD

The first one is used to install the product CFT on all operating systems noted as Synchony platform listed in the document "SupportedPlatforms_4.4.htm"
This includes Windows, Hpux, Aix, Solaris, Linux, IRIX, SCO, Unixware, Z/OS and OS400.

The second DVD can be ignored unless the monitor needs to interface with another product of the Synchrony suite.

Axway Transfer CFT Standalone DVD containing whatever is necessary to deploy Transfer CFT nodes:
       Transfer CFT Core
       Transfer CFT Express Package
       Sentinel Event Router
       Sentinel Universal Agent

Axway Transfer CFT Governance DVD containing whatever is necessary to centrally deal with Transfer CFT deployments:
       Transfer CFT Navigator
       Transfer CFT Enabler
       Transfer CFT Dashboards
       Sentinel Enabler
       Synchrony infrastructure/administration
       Synchrony Database
       Synchrony Installer