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KB Article #178943

Running Analytics dbsetup on MySQL gives the error Invalid default value for 'LogTimestamp'


When running dbsetup for Analytics on MySQL, you see an error similar to the following:

java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: SQL Errror in "/opt/Axway-7.5.3/analytics/system/conf/sql/upgrades/analytics/000-initial/mysql-update.sql" on line 92: Invalid default value for 'LogTimestamp' Command: CREATE TABLE audit_log_points


This is because the SQL setup script is not compatible with MySQL's sql_mode NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE.You should remove these options.

This can be done by editing my.cnf file and set sql_mode to the following value as example:


Then, run the dbsetup script again.

For more information about sql_mod, you can refer to this documentation: