KB Article #178995

Account fields FBYTE_EXTENDED and NBYTE_EXTENDED not filled


Account field FBYTE_EXTENDED and NBYTE_EXTENDED not filled

Using the account in V24 format


The extended account fields are only available in V24 format and belong to the uconf variable "cft.accnt.enable_extended_byte_fields" to ensure compatibility with current users at time we the account record have been extended.

When "cft.accnt.enable_extended_byte_fields" is set to No, the FBYTE and NBYTE fields are filled.

When "cft.accnt.enable_extended_byte_fields" is set to Yes, the FBYTE_EXTENDED and NBYTE_EXTENDED fields are filled (length=15), and FBYTE and NBYTE are left empty (either with 0 or blank depending on the CFTACCNT LANG parameter setting).