KB Article #179257

CFT doesn't start when trk buffer file is corrupted


CFT doesn't start when trk buffer file is corrupted

trkapi.buf file is getting corrupted and the user don’t want to create it manually in order to start CFT.

HA environement, multi-node installation

Related KB article: https://support.axway.com/kb/177884


A change has been made to overcome that concern.

It is available from versions: 3.2.4 SP3 and higher, 3.1.3 SP12

Description: If the Sentinel overflow is corrupted, CFT does not start when the uconf parameter sentinel.xfb.shut is set to 0 (default).

If the number of message in Sentinel overflow exceed the limit given by the uconf parameter sentinel.xfb.shut (>0), CFT start

When at start-up, CFT detect the overflow file is corrupted, the monitor will do:

a) If sentinel.xfb.shut is 0
- rename the file (add a suffix with the date and time of action)
- recreate the file
- add the message CFTS26E XTRK task error (Init) _ File corrupted, renamed and re-created in the CFT Log file
this message will be the first message to sentinel server.

b) If sentinel.xfb.shut is different of zero, the process is as before
- add the messageCCFTS26E XTRK task error (Init) _ Terminating : Pb Init Buffer File the CFT Log file
- stop cft

When at start-up, CFT detect the number of message in the overflow file is greater than the limit, It try first to send the messages and if it fails

- add the message CFTS26E XTRK task error (SendMessage) _ Number of messages in overflow file exceed limit in the CFT Log file

- stop CFT