KB Article #179263

What are the differences in between SSERV=PESIT and SSERV=GSIT


What are the differences in between SSERV=PESIT and SSERV=GSIT

Value affected to that parameter may affect the inter-op with others PeSIT monitors



The PeSIT logon string is 24 chars long (preceded by 2 bytes, these are the length indicator followed by the 24 chars of the PeSIT logon string)


The logon string is 26 chars long (preceded by 2 bytes, these are the length indicator followed by the 24 chars of the PeSIT logon string plus, again, 2 null bytes (x'00')


Note1: Reading is done vertically, data is EBCDIC, the PeSIT logon string is (based on the SSERV(*) + NSPART + NSPASSW):


(*)For both SSERV=GSIT or SSERV=PESIT, the first 8 chars of the PeSIT logon sting will be "PESIT "

Note2: The SSERV parameter, initially designed to set the first 8 chars of the PeSIT logon string has been extended with the GSIT parameter at time the PeSIT version E was normalized over TCP/IP by the GSIT consortium.

Now, PESIT or GSIT in the SSERV should not make a difference since the PROF defined how packet will be built with the PeSIT FPDUs (value ‘ANY’ make it PeSIT E when requester and automatic detection when server).

The possible issues of interoperability are related to the extra NULL chars added to the PeSIT logon string when PESIT is used in the SSERV.

Other servers using the PeSIT logon string to identify the connection should adapt and accept the logon string in either 24 or 26 chars long (ignoring the two NULL bytes) to make life easier.