KB Article #177234

Low compression ratio for GPG encrypted files


-Low compression ratio for GPG encrypted files

-Compression ratio kept low (~6%) what can be the PGP encrypted file size


A PGP encrypted file will not offer a good compression ratio when using the PeSIT compression algorithm that is optimized for text files.

Large PGP files can be compressed offline before being sent if needed. (using LZW algorithm from PKzip or any other tools that can be used in both pre and post processing)

FTYPE=T is nonsense in regards of a PGP encrypted file, FTYPE=B with FRECFM=U or V is the choice to be retained.

Even the PeSIT compression should be turned off for such a file.

A low compression ratio get CPU consumption high and may get the transfer slower than without compression at all.

Optimization can be achieved in using larger xRUSIZE and pacing.

FCODE=BINARY is of course needed to avoid any unwanted chars translation that will result in a corrupted encrypted file.