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KB Article #179927

Upgrading from pre 7.4.x with custom filters


  • Upgrading from old version of API GW (7.3.x or older to 7.5.3 or newer), with Jabber client in older Developer samples, or custom developed filters. Unable to use or compile custom filters.
  • Where is manager.jar?
  • Where are packages and classes: com.vordel.client.manager.Images, com.vordel.client.manager.Manager, com.vordel.client.manager.filter.DefaultGUIFilter, com.vordel.client.manager.wizard.VordelPage, etc.


This is a limited corner case, only for those who have developed custom Filter classes and are upgrading from pre 7.4.x to post 7.4.1. And the changes are actually pretty well documented in the what's new or before you upgrade type sections of the Upgrade Guide and Developers Guide.

However, based on a couple of cases that asked specific questions about class files that used to be in manager.jar and have moved, a KB with those classes as key words might be of help.

First, please review the documentation on the changes.

Upgrade guide, section "Update custom filters in API Gateway version 7.3.1 or earlier".

Developers guide, sections "Changes in version 7.4.0" and "Changes in version 7.4.1".

Next, be sure you took note of the class and package name changes. And, you have updated your classpath to include what is referenced in the <install location>apigateway/samples/developer_guide/*/build.xml.

As noted in this statement from the docs: "Many classes changed to new packages and were moved to new JAR files and directories. Several of the JAR files were relocated to new directories in API Gateway and Policy Studio. To pick up the correct JARs and classes, ensure that you build against the latest CLASSPATH paths as defined in the build.xml files in the SDK samples."

Finally, if you are still unable to find classes for packages like com.vordel.client.manager.*, com.vordel.client.manager.filter.*, and com.vordel.client.manager.wizard.*.

  • Then, please know that those classes that used to be found in jar: <7.3.1>/policystudio/plugins/com.vordel.platform.rcp_7.3.1.v201407281621/lib/manager.jar
  • They can now be located as loose class files in package structure under directory: <7.5.3>/policystudio/plugins/com.vordel.rcp.filterbase_7.5.3.v<someNumber>