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KB Article #180313

Calls to API Manager User and Application APIs are very slow when large numbers of users or applications are created


Calls to API Manager User and Application APIs are very slow when large numbers of users or applications are created.


This was addressed in 7.5.3 SP10, 7.6.2 SP3, 7.7 GA and later versions when a boolean Java property named was added. This property should be added to these versions so that API Manager will cache users and applications in memory at startup to reduce the number of calls made to Cassandra. The in-memory cache is then kept up-to-date using the API Manager events mechanism. The setting should look like this in the jvm.xml file:

<VMArg name=""/>

Refer to KB 167287 for more information on customizing a jvm.xml file. Note that a restart of the gateway processes is necessary to load new JVM options and to build the cache. You can validate that the setting is effective by searching the traces after you have restarted the gateway for the strings “Starting API Manager User Cache” and “Starting API Manager Applications Cache” which will prove that the setting is turned on correctly.