KB Article #181609

Registering a WSDL in API Manager with multiple bindings creates multiple backend APIs


Registering a WSDL with multiple bindings, for example one with SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 bindings, creates a BE (backend) API for each one in API Manager.


This is expected behavior for the importFromUrl API, which can be confusing given that this API only returns a single API definition even when more than one is created. If you need to find all of the BE APIs for automation purposes, you can use the apirepo API to get a list of all the BE APIs with a given name. For example, you could make a call to port 8075 like this:

GET /api/portal/v1.3/apirepo?field=name&op=like&value=Test+API

This example will return all BE APIs with the name "Test API" so you can find all the BE APIs that were created during import. Note that similar behavior will also happen when promoting an API collection containing an API like this. For further information, refer to the API documentation.