KB Article #181237

Unable to push/pull the file to/from S3 via Transfer CFT


Transaction remains in "C" state and did not complete.

Commands used:
cftutil recv part=My_Part,idf=S3_File_To_READ , nfname='/upload/test'
cftutil send part=My_Part,idf=Test_S3,fname=/opt/axway/Transfer_CFT/runtime/pub/FTEST

No error in log file

A listcat debug is showing STATE = CURR


The same account is used for both CFT and Sentinel Even Router.

Because of the different level of the SSL libraries, if CFT is using the Sentinel ones, the needed function for S3 may not be available (depends of the Sentinel Event Router version used)

To check what SSL libraries are used by CFT (and confirm the needed function is present) you can use commands:

readelf -s /opt/axway/SentinelEventRouter/SentinelEventRouter//bin/libssl.so.1.0.0 | grep SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos

To confirm which library CFTTFIL really use (CFTTFIL must be running):
lsof -p $(pidof CFTTFIL|cut -d' ' -f1) |grep libssl

Another helpful command is to check the environment of the process to view the PATH and LIBPATH variables
xargs -0 -L1 -a /proc/$(pidof CFTTFIL|cut -d' ' -f1)/environ |sort

In the reported issue, it was working for CFT with Sentinel EVR 2.4.0 P1 and SP2 but not with 2.4.0 SP0 (because of the different level of the embeded libraries)

In all cases, it is recommended to have separate accounts for CFT and Sentinel EVR (even though, for the reported issue, the upgrade of EVR resolved the issue)